Dedication Donations
Lois Sweeney has dedicated a
donation for her dear friend Jocelyn Weiss, |
for her strength through her
husbands illness.
Jane Edenfield has dedicated a
donation for her friend Delaine Cone, |
who passed away in June, 2005.
Bill and Linda Rogers dedicated a donation in memory of Scott
Schroeder. |
Nancy Lehman dedicated a
donation to her husband, Don Lehman, "who has stayed by my side through
many tough times. I am very blessed to have him in my life, grow
old with me, the best is yet to be." |
Linda Duke dedicated a donation in memory of her husband Michael
Duke who passed away on May 24, 2005 from cancer. |
Nancy Milligan dedicated a donation for Wilma Teets. |
Courtney Schwella Todd dedicated a donation to her Grandparents
Frank and Helen Schwella whom she has recently lost.
Joy Wallace dedicated a donation to her dear mother, Jeanne Bollen,
who passed away on Joy's birthday this year, July 3rd, 2005.
Dolores Paskowski dedicated a donation
to her mother, Edna Larsen, deceased at 67. |
Antoinette Carder dedicated a donation in the memory of Wilma Teets |
Clifford Rickman dedicated a donation in the name of Pauline May
Walker. |
Cristi Kiley dedicated a donation in the name of Wilma Teets |
Alice Lay dedicated a donation in the name of her husband Quinton
Lay who she lost in 1988 to a massive heart attack.

Let us send to someone in need of hope.